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  • 101 Empire Of The City - The Ring Of Power (2008)

    Empire Of The City - The Ring Of Power (2008)

    by 4,005 Views / 7 Likes

    Although geographically separate, the city-states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Colombia are one interlocking empire calledEmpire of The City. The flag of Washington’s District of Colombia has three red stars, one for each city-state i

  • 102 How Weed Won The West (2010)

    How Weed Won The West (2010)

    by 3,981 Views / 10 Likes

    How Weed Won The West delves deeply into the culture and commerce of cannabis featuring California's ganja growers, medicinal marijuana patients and law reform advocates. Kevin Booth's vivid document from behind the front lines of the "war on pot" blows t

  • 103 Bill Still - Still Report 96 Syria Attack

    Bill Still - Still Report 96 Syria Attack

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,973 Views / 1 Likes

    Should the U.S. intervene militarily in Syria? New video further muddies the waters. HOW YOU CAN HELP: I'm asking everyone who watches this video to go to my webpage: and sign up for a dollar-a-month by clicking on the "Subscribe and Sup

  • 104 Santos Bonacci - The Ancient Theology Occult Science Part 2

    Santos Bonacci - The Ancient Theology Occult Science Part 2

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,971 Views / 1 Likes

    Prisca Theologia (The Ancient Theology) Series 3/3, Occult Science Part 2/2

  • 105 58:32 Adam Curtis - The Century Of The Self 1 of 4

    Adam Curtis - The Century Of The Self 1 of 4

    by 3,959 Views / 2 Likes

    To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really? The Century of the Self tells the u

  • 106 Steven Greer - The Untold History Of The Disclosure Project

    Steven Greer - The Untold History Of The Disclosure Project

    by 3,921 Views / 2 Likes

    Illuminati Nwo Ufo Deception Masterplan Exposed 2004

  • 107 Lightworks Audio & Video - Free Energy - The Race To Zero Point

    Lightworks Audio & Video - Free Energy - The Race To Zero Point

    by 3,913 Views / 1 Likes There is great similarity betwen ZPE and Tao for your consideration

  • 108 UFOTV - Journey To The Hollow Earth

    UFOTV - Journey To The Hollow Earth

    by 3,902 Views / 1 Likes

    This film presents the history, mythology & folklore that the earth has a hollow realm, a mystical and physical place of great mystery and wonder. The hollow earth theory is represented in the history of many diverse cultures throughout the world. The Ava

  • 109 Adam Curtis - The Trap - Part 1

    Adam Curtis - The Trap - Part 1

    by 3,887 Views / 1 Likes

    In this episode, Curtis examines the rise of game theory used during the Cold War and the way in which its mathematical models of human behavior filtered into economic thought. The program traces the development of game theory with particular reference to

  • 110 America's Most Secret: Structures - Weather Control, HAARP, Plum Island, & the Space Fence

    America's Most Secret: Structures - Weather Control, HAARP, Plum Island, & the Space Fence

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,882 Views / 1 Likes

    Discovery channel show with a segment about chemtrails, HAARP, Plum Island, and the Star Wars (Strategic Defense Initiative) NAVSPASUR Space Fence America's Most Secret: Structures - 10/28/2012 (01:45) Weather Control - Con

  • 111 Martin Durkin - The Great Global Warming Swindle

    Martin Durkin - The Great Global Warming Swindle

    by 3,870 Views / 6 Likes

    Everything you've ever been told about Global Warming is probably untrue. This film blows the whistle on the biggest swindle in modern history. We are told that 'Man Made Global Warming' is the biggest ever threat to mankind. There is no room for scientif

  • 112 Cori Brackett & J.T. Waldron - Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World

    Cori Brackett & J.T. Waldron - Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World

    by 3,869 Views / 1 Likes

    This film explores the important issue of aspartame toxicity in a documentary that implores viewers to consider the potentially damaging effects of the common food additive. A sugar substitute that is found in NutraSweet and many common diet drinks, aspar

  • 113 Dean Jeffreys - Shamans Of The Amazon

    Dean Jeffreys - Shamans Of The Amazon

    by 3,815 Views / 3 Likes

    Take a trip deep into the Amazon Rain forest with Dean Jeffreys and his family as he explores Ayahuasca with a tribe of Shamans.

  • 114 BBC THREE - How Drugs Work - Episode 2: XTC

    BBC THREE - How Drugs Work - Episode 2: XTC

    by 3,805 Views / 2 Likes

    The second episode of the series: How Drugs Work. This episode is about the drug XTC.

  • 115 Bill Schnoebelen - The Medical Conspiracy

    Bill Schnoebelen - The Medical Conspiracy

    by 3,805 Views / 1 Likes

    Bill is an internationally recognized speaker and author of seven books and countless booklets, articles and tracts. He and his wife, Sharon have been happily married for 30 years. He graduated from Loras College in 1971 with a degree in music and educati

  • 116 Tapping World Summit - Bruce Lipton Interview 2011

    Tapping World Summit - Bruce Lipton Interview 2011

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,794 Views / 1 Likes

    Positive Mind Management allows you to reach your full potential by training the most powerful tool you own. Positive Mind Management harnesses the power of your subconscious mind and allows you to really lose weight, quit cigarettes, achieve financial fr

  • 117 Jordan Maxwell - Astrotheology

    Jordan Maxwell - Astrotheology

    by 3,789 Views / 0 Likes

    This well-researched work returns us to the earliest known forms of religion and nature worship to show how our modern religions formed and where they really came from. A must see for researchers investigating the origins of religion and the symbology use

  • 118 Scott Onstott - Secrets in Plain Sight

    Scott Onstott - Secrets in Plain Sight

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,760 Views / 3 Likes

    Symbolism in Washinton D.C., New York and many other places around the world connected by sacred geometric shapes built into the architecture of the buildings and the shapes of the cities. by ScottOnstott at See Scott's

  • 119 Dean Clifford - Making it Simple - Full Length Presentation

    Dean Clifford - Making it Simple - Full Length Presentation

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,758 Views / 3 Likes

    Dean Clifford speaks in Chilliwack BC educating the power of knowledge. Once you know what's going on - game over for the bad guys. The good guys win again!By understanding how your voluntary participation in the Canadian government benefits system works,

  • 120 Secrets Of The Occult Pt. 2 - The Scientists

    Secrets Of The Occult Pt. 2 - The Scientists

    by 3,723 Views / 1 Likes

    Secrets of the Occult explores the world of the occult from the ancient and modern magicians who practice it to the cutting edge scientists attempting to explain its mysterious claims. This program highlights the advances that have been achieved by innova

  • 121 Brave Archer Films - 2012 The TRUTH You're NOT Being TOLD Part 2 (Full Length 88min)

    Brave Archer Films - 2012 The TRUTH You're NOT Being TOLD Part 2 (Full Length 88min)

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,721 Views / 3 Likes

    This is the official public release of the full length PART 2 seminar by Alex Retrov and Krystal Alexander-Hille. Dec 2012 or sooner? Yes much sooner, the clock runs out September 25th THIS YEAR. The truth the governments of the world are keeping from you

  • 122 Roger Hayes British Constitution Group - Courts Afraid of Us Now & Lawful Bank

    Roger Hayes British Constitution Group - Courts Afraid of Us Now & Lawful Bank

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,692 Views / 2 Likes

    Roger Hayes describes how the English Courts are now afraid of being confronted in court by the Lawful Rebellion movement which says the Judges are corrupt and are not following Common Law anymore. He also explains the workings of the Lawful Bank which wi

  • 123 Suzanne Taylor - What On Earth - Inside The Crop Circle Mystery (2009)

    Suzanne Taylor - What On Earth - Inside The Crop Circle Mystery (2009)

    by 3,689 Views / 5 Likes

    Suzanne Taylor, Producer/Director of "What on Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery" (, has been involved with films since she graduated Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude from NYU. Having been an actress, she crossed over to the o

  • 124 Jordan Maxwell - Hidden Symbols

    Jordan Maxwell - Hidden Symbols

    by 3,664 Views / 1 Likes

    Jordan exposes so much information hidden in plain site, in churchs, corporate logos, information on occult aspects of fremasonary. Very interesting material

  • 125 Intellihub - Jordan Maxwell - Raw & Uncut [2014 Intellihub News Exclusive]

    Intellihub - Jordan Maxwell - Raw & Uncut [2014 Intellihub News Exclusive]

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,653 Views / 0 Likes

  • 126 Randy Powell - Intro to Vortex Math [Full] [2/2]

    Randy Powell - Intro to Vortex Math [Full] [2/2]

    by 3,651 Views / 0 Likes

    Randy Powell explains vortex math and the ABHA Torus from the beginning. Expanding on the work of Marko Rodin. Contact Randy directly at, or visit his website at Educate Yourse

  • 127 Michael Tsarion - The Origins of Evil

    Michael Tsarion - The Origins of Evil

    by 3,649 Views / 1 Likes

    A Michael Tsarion presentation at "Conspira Con" 2005 conference where he talked about "The Origins of Evil".

  • 128 NASA - NASA's Alien Anomalies caught on film - A compilation of stunning UFO footage from NASA's arc

    NASA - NASA's Alien Anomalies caught on film - A compilation of stunning UFO footage from NASA's arc

    by 3,632 Views / 3 Likes

    This compilation includes many of my favorite NASA UFO encounters/sightings that I have archived over the years. All of these examples (with the exception of the second-to-last one) were captured on film by NASA astronauts or Russian Cosmonauts over the p

  • 129 Anonymous - The Bankers Are The Problem

    Anonymous - The Bankers Are The Problem

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,615 Views / 4 Likes

    TheAnonPress Facebook:

  • 130 Santos Bonacci - The Ancient Theology Astrology Part 2

    Santos Bonacci - The Ancient Theology Astrology Part 2

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,613 Views / 1 Likes

    Prisca Theologia (The Ancient Theology) Series 1/3, Astrology Part 2/2

  • 131 Remote Viewing Productions - The Horizon Project

    Remote Viewing Productions - The Horizon Project

    by 3,606 Views / 3 Likes

    The Horizon Project uses an unprecedented approach to deciphering the answers behind life's most puzzling questions; breaking through the flawed explanations of fragmented modern theory that compound each year to further mask the truth. See the overwhelmi

  • 132 10:49:44 Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles - Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation - 1/3

    Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles - Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation - 1/3

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,584 Views / 4 Likes

    Program 1 Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation 'In Program One, of the "Origins & Oracles" series, Michael Tsarion takes us on a vivid journey back to the time of the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. On this journey, timeless

  • 133 Jason Verbelli - Sonoluminesence - Cavitation - NanoGeometry & The Future of Technology

    Jason Verbelli - Sonoluminesence - Cavitation - NanoGeometry & The Future of Technology

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,582 Views / 1 Likes

    Order out of Chaos - The Geometry of Implosion (Live Presentation): version of the presentation so others can follow along: Feng Shui & Magn

  • 134 - G. Edward Griffin - The Collectivist Conspiracy - G. Edward Griffin - The Collectivist Conspiracy

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,578 Views / 0 Likes

    In this exclusive 80 minute video interview, legendary conspiracy author G. Edward Griffin explains how his research, which spans no less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite obsessed with enforcing a world government under a collectivist model th

  • 135 Open Mind Show - Healing with Cymatics - Dr. Peter Guy Manners

    Open Mind Show - Healing with Cymatics - Dr. Peter Guy Manners

    by 3,576 Views / 1 Likes

    Healing with Cymatics

  • 136 Food Inc.

    Food Inc.

    by 3,556 Views / 2 Likes

    "Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended. All images, audio, and video clips are the sole property of their respective owners. This is only clipped for entertainment"

  • 137 Alex Jones - Endgame

    Alex Jones - Endgame

    by 3,548 Views / 1 Likes the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forev

  • 138 Decoding The Past - The Bible Code Predicting Armageddon

    Decoding The Past - The Bible Code Predicting Armageddon

    by 3,548 Views / 1 Likes

  • 139 UFOTV - Planet X and ET Contact - Ann Eller

    UFOTV - Planet X and ET Contact - Ann Eller

    by 3,544 Views / 0 Likes

    Ann Eller, who worked with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the Father of UFO-Alien research, has a unique perspective on the UFO enigma. Ann's fascinating story also revisits her days in the White House during the Clinton administration, as a medevac nurse for the Pe

  • 140 Colin Andrews - Alien Signs - Message: Crop Circle Mysteries

    Colin Andrews - Alien Signs - Message: Crop Circle Mysteries

    by 3,543 Views / 1 Likes

    Crop Circle documentary examines evidence and paranormal phenomenon surrounding them.

  • 141 Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist 3: Moving Forward | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011

    Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist 3: Moving Forward | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011

    by 3,540 Views / 5 Likes

    This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles pending]On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and

  • 142 Mitch Shultz - DMT - The Spirit Molecule

    Mitch Shultz - DMT - The Spirit Molecule

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,533 Views / 2 Likes

    THE SPIRIT MOLECULE weaves an account of Dr. Rick Strassman's groundbreaking DMT research through a multifaceted approach to this intriguing hallucinogen found in the human brain and hundreds of plants, including the sacred Amazonian brew, ayahuasca. Util

  • 143 UFOTV - UFOs and the Military Industrial Complex

    UFOTV - UFOs and the Military Industrial Complex

    by 3,530 Views / 0 Likes

    In the years immediately following World War II, the U.S. military discovered that UFOs were a serious national defense issue. To secretly investigate this mysterious phenomenon an ad hoc military bureau was formed by President Harry Truman named "Majesti

  • 144 Raymond St. Clair - English Freeman Standing In Court

    Raymond St. Clair - English Freeman Standing In Court

    by 3,503 Views / 1 Likes

    English freemen standing in court denying the magistrates jusrisdiction over them.

  • 145 Bill Still - SR 82 Israel MCM

    Bill Still - SR 82 Israel MCM

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,503 Views / 1 Likes

    Meet two members of the Israeli Monetary Change Movement (MCM) as they explain the problem with the money creation process in Israel as well as why monetary reform will be easier in Israel than in the U.S. They also discuss simple, common sense solutions

  • 146 TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: HAARP [Season 1, Episode 1] (Full Length

    TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: HAARP [Season 1, Episode 1] (Full Length

    by 3,494 Views / 1 Likes Ventura and his team head to Alaska to investigate the purpose of the HAARP installation.In a remote region of Alaska, a special government research center is said to be testing the High Freque

  • 147 Zeitgeist (2007)

    Zeitgeist (2007)

    by 3,490 Views / 3 Likes

    ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition - Full Production. What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common?

  • 148 The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles I Part 2 of 2

    The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles I Part 2 of 2

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,484 Views / 0 Likes

    The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints are made by Jeremy Stride. Link to his homepage: While the character of each formation is unique, there exists many clues which can help us define a reference for which to connect the dots.

  • 149 Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles - Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology - 1/3

    Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles - Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology - 1/3

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,482 Views / 0 Likes

    Program 5Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology'In Program Five, of the "Origins & Oracles" series, we learn about the real origins and meaning of the term - "Holy Spirit," and we learn what humanity must do to secure its survival in the following ye

  • 150 1:32:54 2012 Crossing Over - A New Beginning [Brave Archer Films®]

    2012 Crossing Over - A New Beginning [Brave Archer Films®]

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,480 Views / 0 Likes

    * Buy the BluRay Final Edition LOADED with BONUS FEATURES:* DOWNLOAD the Final Edition in FULL HD @ Vimeo On Demand:* Support Independent Filmmaking by Donating to o

  • 151 The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles I Part I of 2

    The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles I Part I of 2

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,476 Views / 1 Likes

    The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints are made by Jeremy Stride.Link to his homepage: While the character of each formation is unique, there exists many clues which can help us define a reference for which to connect the dots. I

  • 152 Massimo Mazzucco - Cancer  the Forbidden Cures

    Massimo Mazzucco - Cancer the Forbidden Cures

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,475 Views / 1 Likes

    In the last 100 years dozens of doctors, scientists and researchers have come up with the most diverse, apparently effective solutions against cancer, but none of these was ever taken into serious consideration by official medicine. Most of them were in f

  • 153 Brave Archer Films - 2012 The TRUTH You're NOT Being TOLD Part 1 (Full Length 95min)

    Brave Archer Films - 2012 The TRUTH You're NOT Being TOLD Part 1 (Full Length 95min)

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,468 Views / 3 Likes

    This is the official public release of the full length PART 1 seminar by Alex Retrov and Krystal Alexander-Hille. Please note unlike the previous YouTube release (57min), this is the full length (95min) Part 1 of the seminar. Dec 2012 or sooner? Yes much

  • 154 Santos Bonacci - Syncretism The Science of Light Introduction

    Santos Bonacci - Syncretism The Science of Light Introduction

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,462 Views / 1 Likes

    Santos Bonacci and Modern Knowledge Present: Syncretism - The Science of Light. This will be a multiple episode, in-depth series from Santos Bonacci exploring all fields of knowledge and wisdom and showing the interrelatedness of all things. This first e

  • 155 G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer

    G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer

    by 3,461 Views / 1 Likes

    G. Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease - like scurvy or pellagra - aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer the

  • 156 1:35:52 Shocking Documentary - How The Masses Are Being Mind Controlled

    Shocking Documentary - How The Masses Are Being Mind Controlled

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,458 Views / 0 Likes

    North Korea is only one of a few places that the banksters have not infiltrated. Could this and this docu. info. be the reason why the west do not like North Korea and perhaps want to silence them? Could if be that they have sussed out everything that mos

  • 157 Decoding The Past - The Other Nostradamus (Edgar Cayce)

    Decoding The Past - The Other Nostradamus (Edgar Cayce)

    by 3,455 Views / 8 Likes

    Could the future already be written? This mammoth series spans human experience to illuminate this question. Common wisdom has it we prepare for our future by understanding our past. But did the ancient prophets already know the future? Are we living in t

  • 158 Exploration Productions - A Machine To Die For The Quest For Free Energy

    Exploration Productions - A Machine To Die For The Quest For Free Energy

    by 3,441 Views / 1 Likes

    A Machine to Die For The Quest for Free Energy.

  • 159 Heretic Productions present Visible - A World Declaration of Liberation from Criminal Israel

    Heretic Productions present Visible - A World Declaration of Liberation from Criminal Israel

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,435 Views / 1 Likes

    Originally uploaded by Snordelhans on Sep 22, 2011 Heretic Productions present Visible's "A World Declaration of Liberation from Criminal Israel." Peoples of the world, I have reviewed your petition and I find the following to be righteous and true that a

  • 160 Carl Munck - The Code by Carl Munck Part 1

    Carl Munck - The Code by Carl Munck Part 1

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,432 Views / 0 Likes

    The great mysteries of life are quite elusive. We do not have the "hard facts" needed to feel sure that our theories about the mysteries are true. Sometimes we feel sure, but convincing others is not so easy. Alas, they want "facts," and we cannot produce

  • 161 Bat Gap - Tony Parsons - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

    Bat Gap - Tony Parsons - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,411 Views / 0 Likes

    Also see The Open Secret message is totally radical and uncompromising. It is a rare and singular expression of absolute non-dualism. It bypasses the mind and speaks directly to the very core of a wisdom that is imminent in

  • 162 New Energy Series - New Energy Series Vol. 1 - Tom Bearden - Free Energy

    New Energy Series - New Energy Series Vol. 1 - Tom Bearden - Free Energy

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,396 Views / 1 Likes

    First of a series of videos belonging to New Energy Series. Tom Bearden (Nuclear Physicist) talking about Zero Point Energy (ZPE) and Free Energy

  • 163 Michael Tsarion - 2012: The Future of Mankind

    Michael Tsarion - 2012: The Future of Mankind

    by 3,395 Views / 1 Likes

    Recorded in 2006 at the Granada Forum in Los Angeles, California.

  • 164 New Energy Series - New Energy Series Vol. 2 - John Hutchison - Free Energy

    New Energy Series - New Energy Series Vol. 2 - John Hutchison - Free Energy

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,395 Views / 1 Likes

    VOLUME 2 -- John Hutchison Demonstrates high voltage anti-gravity technology and crystaline devices that run on Free Energy. Discover clean, non-polluting, energy-producing technologies that may power our civilization into the next millennium and preserv

  • 165 Pimpdarlin - Libya Truth (DnB Soundtrack)

    Pimpdarlin - Libya Truth (DnB Soundtrack)

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,394 Views / 1 Likes

    Credits for the music:Love & Respect to Netsky / Hospital Records / The Cut Up Boys / Ministry Of Sound Records. Lane by NetskyMemory Lane vs Ha

  • 166 Ronnie Burns - Prophecies

    Ronnie Burns - Prophecies

    by 3,384 Views / 0 Likes

    Many Prophecies by Mother Shipton, Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus...

  • 167 Alain De Botton - Philosophy: A Guide To Happiness - Love

    Alain De Botton - Philosophy: A Guide To Happiness - Love

    by 3,381 Views / 0 Likes

    De Botton explores love with reference to the work of German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, who believed it was the most important thing in life. Alain shows how the ideals of a man he calls 'philosophy's Dr Love' explain the mystery of why we fall in l

  • 168 Secret Space Vol. 2 (2007)

    Secret Space Vol. 2 (2007)

    by 3,379 Views / 2 Likes


  • 169 Ludwig von Mises Institute - Foundations of Marx's Philosophy and Economics | David Gordon

    Ludwig von Mises Institute - Foundations of Marx's Philosophy and Economics | David Gordon

    by 3,377 Views / 0 Likes

    Lecture by David Gordon presented at the Ludwig von Mises Institute's "Marx and Marxism" seminar held in New York City; 15-16 October 1988. http://mises.orgDavid Gordon is a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He was educated at UCLA, where h

  • 170 Decoding The Past - Doomsday 2012

    Decoding The Past - Doomsday 2012

    by 3,366 Views / 1 Likes

    The History Channel - The world is coming to an end on December 21, 2012! The ancient Maya made this stunning prediction more than 2,000 years ago. We'll peel back the layers of mystery and examine in detail how the Maya calculated the exact date of dooms

  • 171 Robert Arthur Menard - Demockery

    Robert Arthur Menard - Demockery

    by 3,360 Views / 0 Likes

    A talk by Canadian Robert Arthur Menard about Freemen On The Land.

  • 172 10:24 David Talbott & Wallace Thornhill - Thunderbolts the Electric Universe and Plasma Physics

    David Talbott & Wallace Thornhill - Thunderbolts the Electric Universe and Plasma Physics

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,358 Views / 2 Likes

    Thunderbolt the Tutorial is about the electrical model of the universe.In the universe plasma makes up 99.99% of everything we can see. Our current model has big flaws that has forced scientist to dream up things that don't exist in order to explain thing

  • 173 Bob Beck Protocol - How To Use The Bob Beck Protocol Part 2

    Bob Beck Protocol - How To Use The Bob Beck Protocol Part 2

    by 3,350 Views / 2 Likes

    Sharing Health Reviews everything you need to know to use the four parts of the Beck Protocol. Dr. Eliezer Ben-Joseph, radio host and naturopathic physician, responds in an entertaining and humorous way to questions from an informal audience. Dr. Ben-Jose

  • 174 THC Creative Media - Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health

    THC Creative Media - Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,348 Views / 2 Likes

    In this myth shattering, information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated affects on human health. Topics include: *What the consensus is from over 15000 scientific and medical tri

  • 175 TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Great Lakes [Season 2, Episode 6] (Full Length

    TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Great Lakes [Season 2, Episode 6] (Full Length

    by 3,332 Views / 1 Likes World Wide Water Conspiracy

  • 176 FourthEstateTV - An Untold History of Ireland: Symbols in Stone. (Part 1 Freemasonry)

    FourthEstateTV - An Untold History of Ireland: Symbols in Stone. (Part 1 Freemasonry)

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,320 Views / 2 Likes

    Symbols in Stone explores the untold history of Freemasonry in Ireland, and the critical impact that the secret society has had in shaping the nation's history and architecture. (If you have a fast connection watch in HD for best viewing experience).

  • 177 Superconductivity Group - Quantum Levitation

    Superconductivity Group - Quantum Levitation

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,314 Views / 1 Likes

    Suspending a superconducting disc above or below a set of permanent magnets. The magnetic field is locked inside the superconductor ; a phenomenon called 'Quantum Trapping'. For more info visit:

  • 178 The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles II Part 2 of 2

    The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles II Part 2 of 2

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,295 Views / 1 Likes

    The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints... - Are made by Jeremy Stride.Link to his homepage: While the character of each formation is unique, there exists many clues which can help us define a reference for which to connect the do

  • 179 Lina B Moreco - Shots In The Dark

    Lina B Moreco - Shots In The Dark

    by 3,289 Views / 2 Likes

    A documentary film by Lina B Moreco, with the National Film Board of Canada : Following the increase in cases of Autism and other immune disorders among some particularly vulnerable people, several recogni

  • 180 Dan Winter Conference in Melbourne - Fractality is the Key to the Universe - Golden Mean

    Dan Winter Conference in Melbourne - Fractality is the Key to the Universe - Golden Mean

    by 3,255 Views / 3 Likes

    Dan Winter:http://www.GoldenMean.info key people to look into: Walter Russell, Ed Leedskaln, Professor John Searl, Dr. Pallathadka Keshava Bh

  • 181 Marshall Masters - December 21, 2012 - Two Suns in the Sky

    Marshall Masters - December 21, 2012 - Two Suns in the Sky

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,255 Views / 1 Likes

    2012 researcher and author Marshall Masters, offers an in-depth look at the predictions made in a crop circled formation he calls the "2012 Star Map of Doom."Known as Avebury 2008, it tells us that on December 21, 2012, we'll begin to experience the onset

  • 182 TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S03E05 Skinwalker

    TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S03E05 Skinwalker

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,255 Views / 2 Likes

    While it appears truTV is attempting to bury this show I figured I'd put this up. Apparently they haven't even paid Jesse for season three yet either. I was a big fan of season one and two but this time around they are treading on Coast to Coast territory

  • 183 Nassim Haramein - Crossing The Event Horizon - (Short 2Hr Version)

    Nassim Haramein - Crossing The Event Horizon - (Short 2Hr Version)

    by 3,253 Views / 9 Likes

    Nassim Haramein's lifelong journey into the geometry of space-time has lead to a coherent understanding of the fundamental structure of the universe.In this 4 DVD presentation, Nassim will take you on a journey through humanity's evolution, exposing the c

  • 184 Open Mind - Dr. Robert Beck

    Open Mind - Dr. Robert Beck

    by 3,244 Views / 1 Likes

    Dr. Bob Beck discusses scalar technology and E.L.F. waves.Dr. Bob Beck was an engineer and scientist who re-discovered that micro-amperes of electricity can kill micro-organisms inside the human body, this process was called Blood Electrification. Nowaday

  • 185 Lilou Productions - THRIVE Foster Gamble on Free Energies, Money, Presidential, Conspiracies & The T

    Lilou Productions - THRIVE Foster Gamble on Free Energies, Money, Presidential, Conspiracies & The T

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,240 Views / 1 Likes

    About Thrive (from THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our liv

  • 186 TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: BP Oil Spill [Season 2, Episode 7] (Full Length

    TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: BP Oil Spill [Season 2, Episode 7] (Full Length

    by 3,235 Views / 1 Likes BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has led to devastation along Louisiana's coast and in its fishing and tourism industries. But was it deliberate? Jesse Ventura leads his team into the bayou

  • 187 Unknown - Food That Kills - Presentation

    Unknown - Food That Kills - Presentation

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,231 Views / 3 Likes

    Forks Over Knives Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof! Herbivore vs. Carnivore - You be the judge ! Explo

  • 188 14:55 Samuel William - The Great TV Licence Scam

    Samuel William - The Great TV Licence Scam

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,229 Views / 2 Likes

    Brought to you by 'Truth You Can Wake Up To'. A short film by Samuel William analysing the truth behind television licencing. Link to the English Bill of Rights Act which has never been repealed and is in force toda

  • 189 Awakening As One - The Quickening

    Awakening As One - The Quickening

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,224 Views / 5 Likes

    "The Quickening" was produced by Awakening As One All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they... believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality

  • 190 Project Camelot - Gabriele St on Vitamin D

    Project Camelot - Gabriele St on Vitamin D

    by 3,221 Views / 6 Likes

    Bill Ryan from Project Camelot interviews Gabriele St about the importance of Vitamin D in the body.Vitamin D is responsible for 2,000 out of 10,000 genes in the body.

  • 191 UFOTV - From Here To Andromeda

    UFOTV - From Here To Andromeda

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,213 Views / 0 Likes

    2 Hours - In Part 3 & 4 of the Here To Andromeda series, find out why so many UFOs are suddenly appearing all over the world. Are they here to teach us? Are they here to help humanity make a quantum leap? What do Governments know about UFOs? Will huma

  • 192 V Radio - Freedomain Radio Debates The Venus Project/Zeitgeist Moving Forward (Peter Joseph)

    V Radio - Freedomain Radio Debates The Venus Project/Zeitgeist Moving Forward (Peter Joseph)

    by 3,206 Views / 1 Likes

    Podcast: - Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, engages the Venus Project in a passionate debate about the future of the world -

  • 193 Enron - The Smartest Guys in the Room

    Enron - The Smartest Guys in the Room

    by 3,205 Views / 2 Likes

    Is the inside story of one of history's greatest business scandlas, in which top executives of America's 7th largest company walked away with over one billion dollars while investors and emloyees lost everything. Based on the best-selling book "The Smarte

  • 194 1:38:22 What do famous people think about Zionist Jews?

    What do famous people think about Zionist Jews?

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,203 Views / 1 Likes

    The longer version of the series, a 35 minute special. A video not for the faint hearted, if you want to follow the white rabbit, keep watching and understand the other side. Fmr Rep James Traficant, Vanessa Redgrave, Beatles , John Lennon, Mel Gibson, Ga

  • 195 Banyak Films - Us Now

    Banyak Films - Us Now

    by 3,200 Views / 12 Likes

    Us Now tells the stories of online networks that are challenging the existing notion of hierarchy. For the first time, it brings together the fore-most thinkers in the field of participative governance to describe the future of government. Us Now follows

  • 196 50:32 Graham Hancock - Quest For The Lost Civilisation

    Graham Hancock - Quest For The Lost Civilisation

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,199 Views / 2 Likes

    Graham Hancock's "Quest For The Lost Civilization" (1998) Heaven's Mirror (50 min.) Forgotten Knowledge (50 min.) Ancient Mariners (50 min.) In this set of three videotapes, writer Graham Hanc

  • 197 Bill Still - Still Report #18: Iceland Ireland

    Bill Still - Still Report #18: Iceland Ireland

    by TheOpenSource.TV 3,189 Views / 1 Likes

    Karl Denninger and I took to Capitol Hill in Washington on Monday, briefing a Senate staffer on monetary reform. An update the the situation in Iceland and Ireland.

  • 198 TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: JFK Assassination [Season 2, Episode 5] (Full Length

    TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: JFK Assassination [Season 2, Episode 5] (Full Length

    by 3,187 Views / 1 Likes declassified CIA documents appear to support a link between the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the Watergate scandal that brought down Richard Nixon. To find out for sure, Jesse

  • 199 Jim Marrs - Rule by Secrecy

    Jim Marrs - Rule by Secrecy

    by 3,187 Views / 4 Likes

    In this astonishing video, celebrated reporter and New York Times bestselling author Jim Marrs painstakingly explores the world's most closely guarded secrets, exposing clandestine cabals and the power they have wielded throughout time. Defiantly rooting

  • 200 Sony Pictures Classic - The Fog Of War

    Sony Pictures Classic - The Fog Of War

    by 3,186 Views / 2 Likes

    The film depicts the life of Robert McNamara, United States Secretary of Defense from 1961 to 1968, through the use of archival footage, White House recordings, and most prominently an interview with McNamara himself at the age of 85. The subject matter s