UFOTV - Planet X and ET Contact - Ann Eller

Ann Eller, who worked with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the Father of UFO-Alien research, has a unique perspective on the UFO enigma. Ann's fascinating story also revisits her days in the White House during the Clinton administration, as a medevac nurse for the Peace Corps, and her exceptional encounters with other-worldly beings. Because of her time spent with Dr. Hynek, Ann offers a completely different insight into the inner workings of UFO studies and research, as well as her recollections of UFO information with which she became acquainted while serving as Hynek's personal secretary. UFOTV - Youtube! FEATURE LENGTH EXCLUSIVE featuring Ann Eller. 106 minutes. For more information visit us online at http://www.UFOTV.com
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Jay Added She had me all the way up to the planet X part, there is NO 12th planet in our solar system. ANYONE with any knowledge about astronomy knows there is no Planet X. MY GOD, do you know how many times and how many people have said there is a planet X coming??? If it was as big as they say it could EASILY be seen with todays telescope!! Hubble for one would be all over it!