Roger Hayes British Constitution Group - Courts Afraid of Us Now & Lawful Bank

Roger Hayes describes how the English Courts are now afraid of being confronted in court by the Lawful Rebellion movement which says the Judges are corrupt and are not following Common Law anymore. He also explains the workings of the Lawful Bank which will run parallel to the regular banks which are based upon debt. A whole new system based on Common Law...Banks and the Courts.
Upcoming Events
Constitutional Convention - To Reassert Our Constitution
When: Saturday, 22 October, 2011 at 10:30AM
Where: Kings Hall, Stoke-On-Trent.
Constitutional Convention - To Reassert Our Constitution
When: Saturday, 5 November, 2011 at 10:30AM
Where: Friends House, London
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Filmed in England by The Free World Alliance Camera Crew
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