Brave Archer Films - 2012 The TRUTH You're NOT Being TOLD Part 2 (Full Length 88min)

This is the official public release of the full length PART 2 seminar by Alex Retrov and Krystal Alexander-Hille.
Dec 2012 or sooner? Yes much sooner, the clock runs out September 25th THIS YEAR. The truth the governments of the world are keeping from you. This seminar presented by Alex Retrov and Krystal Alexander-Hille will wake you up to the truth behind the 2012 doomsday prophecy.
Dec 21st 2012 is a fake date created by the 'Illuminati' to catch us completely unprepared for the horrific events to come in September THIS YEAR . The clock runs out this year, NOT 2012. Could this be true? See the overwhelming evidence for yourself! For more info
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russ'el Added hahaha first few minutes he says they have no emotions then he says they are rooted in fear,hahaha