Search Results: "freedom"
Talismanicidols - Kymatica
Added 3,180 Views / 3 Likes"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." -Goethe Featuring: Dr. Bruce Lipton ( Henrik Palmgren ( Michael Tsarion (
Dario Busch - Strawman Freedom Sovereignty UCC1
Added 9,441 Views / 5 LikesFREEDOM SOVEREINGTY BY LIENING YOUR STRAWMAN WITH $100 BILLION DOLLARS?THE STRAWMAN IS THE LEGAL PERSON WITH YOUR NAME IN ALL-CAPITAL LETTERSWARNING: This is usually too weird for people to grasp at first but FREEDOM motivatesLiving Persons (people), exis
Adam Curtis - The Trap - Part 2
Added 3,151 Views / 1 LikesThis is another brilliant Adam Curtis documentary originally produced for the BBC. It talks about the modern political realities, where the policies came from and the massive failures of those ideals and how they have ended up exactly where they did not w
Adam Curtis - The Trap - Part 3
Added 3,002 Views / 1 LikesSee how America will soon be the tyrannical nightmare that we say we try to fight.
Rima Laibow - Nutricide - Codex Alimentarius
Added 2,472 Views / 2 LikesThe Codex Alimentarius is a threat to the freedom of people to choose natural healing and alternative medicine and nutrition. Ratified by the World Health Organization, and going into Law in the United States in 2009, the threat to health freedom has neve
Well TV - We Become Silent - The Last Days Of Health Freedom (2006)
Added 2,654 Views / 0 LikesInternational award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced the release of a new documentary about the threat to medical freedom of choice. 'We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom' details the ongoing attempts by multinational ph
Infomatic Films - Meet Your Strawman!
Added 4,269 Views / 1 LikesThe story of how everyone has a strawman created for them at birth and how it is used to collect revenue for your government. A fun and informative animation made in the spirit of freedom. Please spread and upload with credits intact also link back to our
Infowars & Freedomain Radio - Stefan Molyneux on the Alex Jones Radio Show, January 3 2011
Added 1,936 Views / 0 LikesKicking off the new decade with some energetic activism! What 2011 Will Bring - Human Farming, Wikileaks, The Bank Of America, the Pillaging of the Middle Classes, and the end of history.
Stefan Molyneux - An Introduction to Philosophy
Added 2,760 Views / 0 LikesYeah, it's OK by me if you start with this one ;)
Stefan Molyneux - An Introduction to Philosophy Part Two: Reality (from Freedomain Radio)
Added 2,333 Views / 1 LikesSooo, are we in the 'Matrix' or not? The philosophical approach to separating reality from fantasy, facts from fiction.Http://
Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles Program 2: 2012 Where History Ends Part 1/3
Added 2,898 Views / 2 LikesProgram 2: 2012: Where History Ends 'In Program Two, of the "Origins & Oracles" series, Michael Tsarion explains exactly why the world is in the present state of decay, and who it is that really rules from the top of the "power pyramid." We discover
Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles Program 2: 2012 Where History Ends Part 2/3
Added 2,605 Views / 0 LikesProgram 2: 2012: Where History Ends'In Program Two, of the "Origins & Oracles" series, Michael Tsarion explains exactly why the world is in the present state of decay, and who it is that really rules from the top of the "power pyramid." We discover th
Michael Tsarion - Origins & Oracles Program 2: 2012 Where History Ends Part 3/3
Added 3,207 Views / 0 LikesProgram 2: 2012: Where History Ends'In Program Two, of the "Origins & Oracles" series, Michael Tsarion explains exactly why the world is in the present state of decay, and who it is that really rules from the top of the "power pyramid." We discover th
Robert Arthur Menard - Fundamentals of Freedom
Added 2,855 Views / 4 and DivergentFilms brings you the limited edition version of The Magnificent Deception, Rob Menard's newest video on the concepts of Freedom, Law, and Commerce, and how they relate to Persons, Humans, and Free
Randy Powell - Intro to Vortex Math [Full] [1/2]
Added 4,143 Views / 2 LikesRandy Powell explains vortex math and the ABHA Torus from the beginning. Expanding on the work of Marko Rodin. Contact Randy directly at, or visit his website at Educate Yourse
Randy Powell - Intro to Vortex Math [Full] [2/2]
Added 3,694 Views / 0 LikesRandy Powell explains vortex math and the ABHA Torus from the beginning. Expanding on the work of Marko Rodin. Contact Randy directly at, or visit his website at Educate Yourse
Michael Tsarion - Open Your Mind Interview 03-20-11
Added 2,818 Views / 1 LikesMichael Tsarion on Open Your Mind Radio with Alan & Steve. Recorded on March 20th, 2011.
Michael Tsarion - 2012: The Future of Mankind
Added 3,417 Views / 1 LikesRecorded in 2006 at the Granada Forum in Los Angeles, California.
Bill Still - SR 21 Debt Limit Debate 3 - July 29, 2011
Added 2,520 Views / 1 LikesNone of the options being debated by the U.S. Congress can fix the economic situation. Only monetary reform -- a simple solution -- can fix this.
Expose Cinema - Bill Still - 8 July 2011
Added 2,498 Views / 1 LikesThis is an interview with Bill Still, the producer of the films The Money Masters and The Secret of Oz and the author of the book No More National Debt. Both documentaries are available to view in full on this site.
Dylan Avery - 9/11 - An American Coup [Loose Change - 2011]
Added 2,790 Views / 0 LikesLoose Change 9/11: An American Coup was the 2009 edition that was written, directed, and edited by Dylan Avery. Unlike the previous editions, this was narrated by actor Daniel Sunjata (who shares the same beliefs of this film). Original music was composed
Anonymous - Occupy Wall Street - September 17th
Added 7,349 Views / 4 LikesOccupy Wall Street Live Feed globalrevolution on Broadcast Live FreeLive feed of the Occupy Wall Street movement organised by Anonymous
Freedom University - Ron Paul: The Movie
Added 2,566 Views / 1 LikesWebsite: Ron Paul: The Movie Join the Freedom Revolution! In an age of shameless hypocrisywhere all still swear allegiance to a Constitutionthey have no intention to obey...One man has stood for decadesagainst the tides of cor
Fritz Springmeier - Undetectable Mind Control
Added 3,217 Views / 1 LikesFritz Springmeier talks about Undetectable Mind Control at theGlobal Sciences Congress. Tampa, FL - 1997The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (PDF)
Alex Jones - Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order (2/2)
Added 2,615 Views / 1 LikesLive Alex Jones Blueprint of the New World Order Tour in Dallas, TX (2/19/2012), at the Lakewood Theater includes first half of the Q & A at the end of show. Premire video titled 'Blueprint of Madmen
Jim Marrs & Alex Jones - Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order (1/2)
Added 2,944 Views / 2 LikesLive Alex Jones Blueprint of the New World Order Tour in Dallas, TX (2/19/2012), at the Lakewood Theater includes first half of the Q & A athe the end of show. Premire video titled 'Blueprint of Madmen'
Bat Gap - Tony Parsons - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Added 3,441 Views / 0 LikesAlso see The Open Secret message is totally radical and uncompromising. It is a rare and singular expression of absolute non-dualism. It bypasses the mind and speaks directly to the very core of a wisdom that is imminent in
H2OPlasmaPlug - The Hydrogen Evolution
Added 2,843 Views / 0 LikesThis video was made to compile Stanley Meyer's work. As well it is a great learning tool for new comers to the technology. It also shows that there are people successfully replicating his work.
Original GNU/Linux Operating System Developer - Richard Stallman Speech
Added 3,194 Views / 1 LikesRichard Stallmanis the original developer of the GNU Operating System which is more commonly known as GNU/Linux. The Linux kernel is a small part of the overall Operating Systemwhich, in the GNU distribution of Linux,mostly consists of code and packages w
in5d - Global Unity Project: What The World Needs Right Now
Added 2,393 Views / 1 LikesArticle: Please Mirror and Share!! The following provides immediate solutions to fix a world that is broken. We all need to work in the best interests of humanity and not for our own materialistic in