Search Results: "fraud"
Connecting Dots - Banks versus the American Dream
Added 2,835 Views / 1 LikesA nice fun cartoon explaining the banking situation in the simplest way possible...
RT - Keiser Report, Bill Still on gold reserves and collapsing Fiat currency
Added 2,580 Views / 0 LikesGuest Bill Still talks about the crooked Federal Reserve, the lack of auditing of the US gold reserves (most likely because the US has no gold left), and the collapsing Fiat currencies, and governments manipulating the markets with their banker friends to
Samuel William - The Great TV Licence Scam
Added 3,140 Views / 2 LikesBrought to you by 'Truth You Can Wake Up To'. A short film by Samuel William analysing the truth behind television licencing. Link to the English Bill of Rights Act which has never been repealed and is in force toda
Vigilante TV - THE PEOPLE Vs THE BANKS: Conviction Beats Eviction
Added 4,515 Views / 0 LikesPlease check for more details... UPDATE: I thought it would be useful to update you on the story... The video is useful for us in that it is prima facie evidence that force cannot be used during an eviction if it is objected to by
Chris Duane - The Greatest Truth Never Told - Full
Added 4,312 Views / 1 LikesThis video is a consolidated video containing all of the videos provided by Chris Duane at Please check out his website for more information. This is one of the most important videos anyone can watch. Please take