Search Results: "climate"
David Wilcock - 2012 Event Horizon: (2) Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age
Added 4,704 Views / 2 LikesIn this heavily-anticipated sequel to 2012 Enigma, (#1 Most Viewed on Google, 12/1/08), David Wilcock presents a compelling case that the prophecies of a Golden Age are not myth or superstition. Our DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last
David Wilcock - 2012 Event Horizon: (1) Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age
Added 4,224 Views / 2 LikesIn this heavily-anticipated sequel to 2012 Enigma, (#1 Most Viewed on Google, 12/1/08), David Wilcock presents a compelling case that the prophecies of a Golden Age are not myth or superstition. Our DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last
David Wilcock - 2012 Event Horizon: (3) Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age
Added 2,848 Views / 2 LikesIn this heavily-anticipated sequel to 2012 Enigma, (#1 Most Viewed on Google, 12/1/08), David Wilcock presents a compelling case that the prophecies of a Golden Age are not myth or superstition. Our DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last
David Wilcock - 2012 Event Horizon: (4) Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age
Added 2,597 Views / 2 LikesIn this heavily-anticipated sequel to 2012 Enigma, (#1 Most Viewed on Google, 12/1/08), David Wilcock presents a compelling case that the prophecies of a Golden Age are not myth or superstition. Our DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last
The Energy Lie - The Energy Cartels Don't Want You To Watch This Film (It Will Put Them Out Of Busin
Added 5,546 Views / 2 Likes The energy cartels don't want you to watch this film (it will put them out of business) The Energy Crisis is a lie, here is the evidence.This Movie Is The Sequel To The Truth Behind The Energy Lie (Suppression Of Technologi
The Energy Lie - The Truth Behind The Energy Lie (Supression Of Technological Evolution, The Evidenc
Added 2,814 Views / 2 Likes***please Share, help wake the world up*** No Body Of Men Has The Right To Deny The Technological Evolution Of Mankind... The Energy Crisis is a lie, here is the evidence.If a civilization truly wishes to consider itself ci
Paul Wittenberger - Why in the World are They Spraying?
Added 2,358 Views / 0 LikesPeople around the world are noticing that our planet's weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengineering programs.