Quantum of Soros [Episode 1] George Soros Coup - Documentary [2018]

George Soros has unleashed his plan upon America and The World.
Don't forget George Soros is part of a bigger plot. I will be exposing all of it. And I need your help.
Step 1. Form a Shadow Part / Government
Step 2. Control the Airwaves
Step 3. Generate Hate - Anti Govt. Feeling
Step 4. Provoke an Election Crisis
Step 5. Take Power
Check out the New Website http://www.realdeepstate.wordpress.com
If you have any information on George Soros email me kolemankooler@gmail.com I am working on part 2 now. The Quantum Menace. I need your help. We need to get this information out there to stop this.
Again Please email me if you have any info or suggestions kolemankooler@gmail.com
I want to make more videos and really need your help and feedback.
Thanks Everyone
Also everyone should check out James Corbett and the Corbett Report. He is by far the best channel on youtube.
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