David Irving - The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History

The British Historian David Irving, speaking on "The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History" identifies some of the many FRAUDULENT historical documents that have been quoted AND referred to over the many years by "conformist historians" of the Third Reich era.
Even many of Mr. Irving's opponents DO admit.., that Mr. Irving's knowledge of Hitler and wartime Germany in unrivaled !! Mr. Irving is the author of numerous books on this era of history.., many of them having been "best sellers".., including his monumental work (3 volumes in one book!).., titled "Hitler's War"...
As always.., after watching.., do your best to "pass it on".....
"Truth Does Not Fear Investigation"
"He who Wins the War.., also Writes the History" (Yes / No ??)
Then.., last, but not least...
"The Truth shall make you Free.., but at first.., it'll make you Damn Mad" !!!
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