Alternative Energies
Zero Point : Volume V - The Hyper-Force Chronicles - 1. The Hutchison Effect
Added 972 Views / 0 LikesThe Zero Point series returns with a new episodic series, The Hyper-Force Chronicles; exploring the mysterious world of Zero Point energy and the people pioneering this research. Part one focuses on the controversial scientist John Hutchison and the famou
Levitation Breakthroughs! Bio-Gravitics, Hutchison Effect, Vibro-Acoustics
Added 2,230 Views / 0 LikesDan A. Davidison explains the basis behind Grebennikov's findings and how certain insects really fly (levitate) linking how a spinning vortex creates a magnetic field counteracting gravity. It's possible that an electrostatic effect is occurring at the na
Must-See Video! *SECRETS OF MAGNETISM* Never Seen Before* Torus-Hyperboloid
Added 1,647 Views / 0 LikesMust-See Video! *SECRETS OF MAGNETISM* Never Seen Before* Torus-Hyperboloid
Pyramids True Purpose FINALLY DISCOVERED: Advanced Ancient Technology
Added 1,904 Views / 3 LikesSupport and keep this channel alive on Patreon: or here: I would be forever grateful
The John Searl Story - Searl Effect Generator - Free Energy
Added 3,131 Views / 1 Likes***Also watch: SEG, Searl Effect Generator - How it works: Electrons Flow with Magnetic Current*** Short documentary about the SEG; Searl Effect Generator, free energy technology. SEG can also produce an antigra
1:12:33 Popular
Frank Chester - The Chestahedron - The Wonder of Seven (Walter Russell)
Added 5,069 Views / 1 LikesFrank gives the clearest presentation to date of the core work he has done regarding his discovery of the 7 sided Chestahedron. The Chestahedron is a 7 sided geometric figure which is similar to so-called Platonic Solids, in that all of the faces have the
Jason Verbelli - Twin Opposing Vortexes and Misconceptions of Space
Added 5,685 Views / 1 LikesJason Verbelli & Fernando Morris on the SEG (6 Parts): of the presentation: Searl Album: Mock Up Demo showing Waveforms:h
New Energy Series - New Energy Series Vol. 3 - Joseph Newman - Free Energy
Added 6,090 Views / 0 LikesVOLUME 3 -- Joseph Newman Shows us his over-unity magnetic motor, his laboratory and explains his unified field theory. This is the video series the power establishment would prefer you never saw! Discover clean, non-polluting, energy-producing technolog
New Energy Series - New Energy Series Vol. 2 - John Hutchison - Free Energy
Added 3,424 Views / 1 LikesVOLUME 2 -- John Hutchison Demonstrates high voltage anti-gravity technology and crystaline devices that run on Free Energy. Discover clean, non-polluting, energy-producing technologies that may power our civilization into the next millennium and preserv
New Energy Series - New Energy Series Vol. 1 - Tom Bearden - Free Energy
Added 3,432 Views / 1 LikesFirst of a series of videos belonging to New Energy Series. Tom Bearden (Nuclear Physicist) talking about Zero Point Energy (ZPE) and Free Energy
ITEC Better World Technologies - Hummingbird and Sundance Motors
Added 3,132 Views / 1 Likes I'm presenting this video on YouTube, because of it's controversy which usually makes for good discussion. This technology was originally offered about 2
David Sereda - Mind Science Kept Hidden
Added 4,517 Views / 2 LikesThe power of our Mind and Heart and the energy that has been found through science to have a relevant and undeniable presence. The power of Life, Relevance, substance. This documentary explains the effects of our mind and what happens when we love and wha
TruTV - Conspiracy Theory S03E02 Death Ray
Added 4,366 Views / 6 LikesEpisode 3 of Jesse Ventura's TV programme about Death Rays, Free Energy, Nikola Tesla and John Huchison.
The Magnevex Research Project - Tesla Radiant Light
Added 2,793 Views / 1 Likes"Tesla Radiant Light" is a video log of experiments that were performed to understand Energy. Magnetism and electricity hold a key position in this universal equation. The Magnevex™(magnetic vortex) Research Project was developed to learn of this natural
The Magnevex Research Project - Tesla Radiant Charging
Added 4,767 Views / 3 Likes"Tesla Radiant charging" is a video log of experiments that were performed to understand Energy. Magnetism and electricity hold a key position in this universal equation. The Magnevex™(magnetic vortex) Research Project was developed to learn of this natur
H2OPlasmaPlug - The Hydrogen Evolution
Added 2,833 Views / 0 LikesThis video was made to compile Stanley Meyer's work. As well it is a great learning tool for new comers to the technology. It also shows that there are people successfully replicating his work.
The Energy Lie - The Truth Behind The Energy Lie (Supression Of Technological Evolution, The Evidenc
Added 2,814 Views / 2 Likes***please Share, help wake the world up*** No Body Of Men Has The Right To Deny The Technological Evolution Of Mankind... The Energy Crisis is a lie, here is the evidence.If a civilization truly wishes to consider itself ci
The Energy Lie - The Energy Cartels Don't Want You To Watch This Film (It Will Put Them Out Of Busin
Added 5,546 Views / 2 Likes The energy cartels don't want you to watch this film (it will put them out of business) The Energy Crisis is a lie, here is the evidence.This Movie Is The Sequel To The Truth Behind The Energy Lie (Suppression Of Technologi
2:12:02 Popular
Thrive (2011)
Added 19.2k Views / 15 LikesTHRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?! is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving t
Exploration Productions - A Machine To Die For The Quest For Free Energy
Added 3,455 Views / 1 LikesA Machine to Die For The Quest for Free Energy.
Zurich Conference - Brian O'Leary on Free Energy, 12 July
Added 2,639 Views / 1 LikesHalf way through Brian O'Leary's presentation on Free Energy on the final afternoon of the Zurich Conference, Henry Deacon - who had been present throughout as an anonymous delegate - asked if he could join Brian to support his testimony on the reality of
Lightworks Audio & Video - Free Energy - The Race To Zero Point
Added 3,930 Views / 1 There is great similarity betwen ZPE and Tao for your consideration
Denis Lee - A Case For Free Electricity
Added 1,712 Views / 2 LikesFreedom is in the energy free technology..... Also 6 times increased mileage!!! Suppressed technology expose with the only project that is doing something to put this into the market place. Now you can register for free or by ordering a DVD as a witness f
Tom Valone - Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum
Added 2,691 Views / 2 LikesThis is Tom Valone's amazing video lecture Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum (2004) where he gives a great overview of the various methods to extract free energy directly from the quantum vacuum to power our homes and machines. Today we