Search Results: "oneness"
Santos Bonacci - Syncretism The Science of Light Introduction
Added 3,537 Views / 1 LikesSantos Bonacci and Modern Knowledge Present: Syncretism - The Science of Light. This will be a multiple episode, in-depth series from Santos Bonacci exploring all fields of knowledge and wisdom and showing the interrelatedness of all things. This first e
Gregg Braden - The Divine Matrix
Added 4,110 Views / 1 Likes - Do you have the right mindset? Find out if you have what it takes. See you on the other side. Get the Book from Gregg Braden - The Divine Matrix here -
How You Change People
Added 1,974 Views / 0 LikesThis is exactly what we all need right now. Here is a great secret of life that you can use to change the hearts and minds of everyone in your world. Speech by Garret John LoPorto Words: “You may not like how things are going. You may not agree with