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Search Results: "heart disease"

  • 1:17:52 Popular Food Matters (2008)

    Food Matters (2008)

    by Added 14.4k Views / 26 Likes

    "Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food" - Hippocrates. That is the message from the founding father of modern medicine echoed in the controversial new documentary film Food Matters from Producer-Directors James Colquhoun and Laurentine

  • THC Creative Media - Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health

    THC Creative Media - Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 3,348 Views / 2 Likes

    In this myth shattering, information packed documentary, learn from physicians and leading researchers about medicinal cannabis and its demonstrated affects on human health. Topics include: *What the consensus is from over 15000 scientific and medical tri

  • Unknown - Food That Kills - Presentation

    Unknown - Food That Kills - Presentation

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 3,231 Views / 3 Likes

    Forks Over Knives Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof! Herbivore vs. Carnivore - You be the judge ! Explo

  • T. Colin Campbell Ph.D - Animal Protein (Meat and Dairy) Cause Cancer

    T. Colin Campbell Ph.D - Animal Protein (Meat and Dairy) Cause Cancer

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 2,660 Views / 3 Likes

    Celebrated Cornell professor T. Colin Campbell discusses his decades of NIH-funded research which show that meat and dairy promote cancer growth and a plant-based (vegan) diet can prevent and even reverse cancer. T. Colin Campbell is an American biochemis

  • 1:31:50 Eating Documentary by Mike Anderson

    Eating Documentary by Mike Anderson

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 1,309 Views / 0 Likes

    This award-winning video covers a lot of ground very comprehensively. Among the many highlights are interviews with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Neil Pinckney, Dr. Ruth Heidrich and Dr. Joseph Crowe. Dr. Crowe and Dr. Esselstyn are from the Cleveland Clini

  • 15:28 NZ Farmer Beats Swine Flu With Vitamin C

    NZ Farmer Beats Swine Flu With Vitamin C

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 640 Views / 0 Likes

    The amazing story of a New Zealand dairy farmer who caught swine flu and very nearly died. Intensive care specialists were all set to pull him off life support, saying there was no hope. But his family refused to give up. They demanded the doctors try hig