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Search Results: "globalisation"

  • Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist Addendum

    Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist Addendum

    by Added 2,315 Views / 2 Likes

    This is the 2nd Zeitgeist movie and it goes more into detail about our monetary system and how bogus it is. I mean how on earth can the banks just do this, and people wonder why our economy is going under when we use this system.

  • Zeitgeist (2007)

    Zeitgeist (2007)

    by Added 3,516 Views / 3 Likes

    ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition - Full Production. What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common?

  • William Cooper - Behold A Pale Horse

    William Cooper - Behold A Pale Horse

    by Added 1,959 Views / 3 Likes

    Amazing lecture by William Cooper A detailed research into government corruption, secret societies, conspiracies, and the UFO phenomenon. Book: 'Behold a Pale Horse'

  • The Truthseeker - NATO's 'Gladio' army in Ukraine (E41)

    The Truthseeker - NATO's 'Gladio' army in Ukraine (E41)

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 2,221 Views / 1 Likes

    The openly Nazi core of Kiev's new army; WikiLeaked cables set Ukraine 'nationalists' in NATO 'dirty wars' abroad; and the 'psychopaths' who run CIA special operations. Seek truth from facts with the world's leading scholar on NATO's Operation Gladio Dr.

  • The Truthseeker - US plans 'first strike' on Russia (E40)

    The Truthseeker - US plans 'first strike' on Russia (E40)

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 2,232 Views / 1 Likes

    Star Wars tested for Eastern Europe; US space weapons "unofficial declaration of war"; "soft assassinations" planned for last weekend's EU election winners.Seek truth from facts with Gladio, NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe author and former European

  • Chris Duane - The Greatest Truth Never Told - Full

    Chris Duane - The Greatest Truth Never Told - Full

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 4,475 Views / 1 Likes

    This video is a consolidated video containing all of the videos provided by Chris Duane at Please check out his website for more information. This is one of the most important videos anyone can watch. Please take

  • 1:38:54 The Four Horsemen

    The Four Horsemen

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 1,430 Views / 1 Likes

    Noam Chomsky, Joseph Stiglitz, John Perkins and Herman Daly explains the system we live by