Search Results: "fda"
Michael Moore - Sicko
Added 1,905 Views / 1 LikesMichael Moore documentary about how out of tiuch the American health system is.
Cori Brackett & J.T. Waldron - Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World
Added 3,861 Views / 1 LikesThis film explores the important issue of aspartame toxicity in a documentary that implores viewers to consider the potentially damaging effects of the common food additive. A sugar substitute that is found in NutraSweet and many common diet drinks, aspar
Unknown - Food That Kills - Presentation
Added 3,218 Views / 3 LikesForks Over Knives Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof! Herbivore vs. Carnivore - You be the judge ! Explo
Depopulation Agenda 2016-2030 For A New World Order
Added 3,016 Views / 1 LikesUS Population outlook for 2025: Note US, Israel and UK declines. Follows bible prophesy. **Audio from 19:05 to 22:09 has been corrupted due to a frivolous copyright claim.** For missing audio, please see this video