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Search Results: "addendum"

  • Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist Addendum

    Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist Addendum

    by Added 2,241 Views / 2 Likes

    This is the 2nd Zeitgeist movie and it goes more into detail about our monetary system and how bogus it is. I mean how on earth can the banks just do this, and people wonder why our economy is going under when we use this system.

  • The Venus Project - Paradise or Oblivion

    The Venus Project - Paradise or Oblivion

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 2,279 Views / 0 Likes

    Paradise or Oblivion *This is NOT the "major motion picture" that The Venus Project is working towards but rather is a short documentary to introduce the aims and proposals to new people. A free online documentary created by The Venus Project. Original mu