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Global Banking Elite

  • Expose Cinema - Bill Still - 8 July 2011

    Expose Cinema - Bill Still - 8 July 2011

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 2,383 Views / 1 Likes

    This is an interview with Bill Still, the producer of the films The Money Masters and The Secret of Oz and the author of the book No More National Debt. Both documentaries are available to view in full on this site.

  • Bill Still - SR 21 Debt Limit Debate 3 - July 29, 2011

    Bill Still - SR 21 Debt Limit Debate 3 - July 29, 2011

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 2,426 Views / 1 Likes

    None of the options being debated by the U.S. Congress can fix the economic situation. Only monetary reform -- a simple solution -- can fix this.

  • Bill Still - Still Report #18: Iceland Ireland

    Bill Still - Still Report #18: Iceland Ireland

    by TheOpenSource.TV Added 3,112 Views / 1 Likes

    Karl Denninger and I took to Capitol Hill in Washington on Monday, briefing a Senate staffer on monetary reform. An update the the situation in Iceland and Ireland.

  • Connecting Dots - Banks versus the American Dream

    Connecting Dots - Banks versus the American Dream

    by Added 2,815 Views / 1 Likes

    A nice fun cartoon explaining the banking situation in the simplest way possible...

  • RT - Keiser Report: Messy Democracies (E128)

    RT - Keiser Report: Messy Democracies (E128)

    by Added 2,185 Views / 3 Likes

    This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report from Cairo about markets loving tyranny, a former prime-minister visiting dictators in the desert for JP Morgan and a Central Banker running over bicyclists. In the second half of the show, Max talks

  • Bill Still - The Money Masters

    Bill Still - The Money Masters

    by Added 2,649 Views / 3 Likes

    THE MONEY MASTERS is a NON-FICTION, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The devel

  • Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist 3: Moving Forward | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011

    Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist 3: Moving Forward | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011

    by Added 3,405 Views / 5 Likes

    This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles pending]On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and

  • TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Wall Street [Season 2, Episode 3] (Full Length

    TruTV - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Wall Street [Season 2, Episode 3] (Full Length

    by Added 2,129 Views / 0 Likes goes inside the secret billionaire's boy's club to find out what caused the financial meltdown and how the group allegedly continues to manipulate and control the stock market and oil, gold and

  • Jim Corr - March from Wood Quay Dublin to the GPO at 11am Saturday 27th

    Jim Corr - March from Wood Quay Dublin to the GPO at 11am Saturday 27th

    by Added 2,142 Views / 0 Likes

    I am asking that the Irish people unite, as our forefathers did, and take to the streets at 11am Saturday 27th from Wood Quay Dublin, to voice our anger and concern over the actions of our politicians and what is happening to Ireland.

  • Jim Corr on RT - Top-down engineered financial crash designed to take over Europe

    Jim Corr on RT - Top-down engineered financial crash designed to take over Europe

    by Added 2,009 Views / 2 Likes

    There are fresh demonstrations in Madrid against severe budget cuts as the country tries to reduce its massive debt. Spain has been tipped as the next Eurozone economy at risk of needing a bailout, but some say it could be too big to save. RT talks to Jim

  • The Secret Of Oz - Bill Still's Speech at Bromsgrove 2010

    The Secret Of Oz - Bill Still's Speech at Bromsgrove 2010

    by Added 2,524 Views / 1 Likes

    Opening remarks at the Bromsgrove Monetary Reform Conference in Bromsgrove, UK, Oct. 29, 2010.

  • Journey Man Pictures - Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis

    Journey Man Pictures - Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis

    by Added 2,498 Views / 1 Likes

    When the world's financial bubble blew, the solution was to lower interest rates and pump trillions of dollars into the sick banking system. The solution is the problem, that's why we had a problem in the first place. For Economics Nobel laureate Vernon S

  • The Cause Of Effect: Hijacking Humanity - Chapter 3, 4 & 5

    The Cause Of Effect: Hijacking Humanity - Chapter 3, 4 & 5

    by Added 1,423 Views / 1 Likes

    People are waking up to the truth... from Free Energy to their Human Rights, from Secret Societies to Police Brutality, Politicians, Clergy, Executives, and Military leaders should know their secrets are being revealed to more and more people on a daily b

  • The Cause Of Effect: Hijacking Humanity - Chapter 1 & 2

    The Cause Of Effect: Hijacking Humanity - Chapter 1 & 2

    by Added 1,485 Views / 1 Likes

    People are waking up to the truth... from Free Energy to their Human Rights, from Secret Societies to Police Brutality, Politicians, Clergy, Executives, and Military leaders should know their secrets are being revealed to more and more people on a daily b

  • The Frontline - Ireland Hasn't Had Control of its Currency for Years?!

    The Frontline - Ireland Hasn't Had Control of its Currency for Years?!

    by Added 2,171 Views / 3 Likes

    Conor Lenihan explains that Ireland has not been in control of its currency for years on The Frontline on RT

  • The Cause of Effect: Hijacking Humanity - Chapter 3 - "Commerce & Law"

    The Cause of Effect: Hijacking Humanity - Chapter 3 - "Commerce & Law"

    by Added 1,438 Views / 2 Likes

    The most interesting and information laden chapter of The Cause of Effect : Hijacking Humanity, Chapter 3 of the series, titled simply, "Commerce & Law" presents an alternative take on how our Law System works, especially in relation to money, as well

  • N/A - Rothschilds Timeline

    N/A - Rothschilds Timeline

    by Added 3,069 Views / 0 Likes

    The full timeline of the Rothchild banking family.

  • The Phenomenon Archives - The Secret Of The Federal Reserve

    The Phenomenon Archives - The Secret Of The Federal Reserve

    by Added 1,380 Views / 1 Likes

    This is an excellent video covering the secrets of the Federal Reserve system, how it was formed, and how this private firm controls our everyday lives.In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is distributed without profit, to those who

  • G. Edward Griffin - The Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look At The Federal Reserve

    G. Edward Griffin - The Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look At The Federal Reserve

    by Added 1,180 Views / 1 Likes

    Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magician's secrets are unveiled. Here is a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, the pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money. A boring subject? J

  • 1:57:51 Popular The Secret Of Oz (2010)

    The Secret Of Oz (2010)

    by Added 15.3k Views / 55 Likes

    NEW 2010 Version added! Secret Of Oz has won 2 Awards Thirteen years ago, in a documentary called "The Money Masters", we asked the question why is America going broke. It wasn't clear then that we were, but it is today. Now the question is how can we get

  • Popular Max Igan - New World Order Monetary System

    Max Igan - New World Order Monetary System

    by Added 5,171 Views / 3 Likes

    This short excerpt is taken from Max Igan's "Fighting The New World Order With Global Non Compliance" Max Igan's YouTube channel:

  • The Phenomenon Archives - The Monopoly Men

    The Phenomenon Archives - The Monopoly Men

    by Added 2,237 Views / 1 Likes

    During the Wilson Presidency, the U.S. Government sanctioned the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization maintained to provide financial accountability in the event of a domestic depression, the actual business of

  • BBC - The Greed Game

    BBC - The Greed Game

    by Added 2,313 Views / 0 Likes

    As the credit crunch bites and a global economic crisis threatens, Robert Peston reveals how the super-rich have made their fortunes, and the rest of us are picking up the bill.

  • Neil Gray - Smoke And Mirrors

    Neil Gray - Smoke And Mirrors

    by Added 2,126 Views / 0 Likes

    An excellent social justice documentary. Council tenants in Edinburgh were offered lower rents and new kitchens and bathrooms if they would vote 'yes' to transfer the ownership of council homes from the council to a private landlord (CEHA). The council sp

  • Michael Moore - Capitalism A Love Story Interview (9/17/09)

    Michael Moore - Capitalism A Love Story Interview (9/17/09)

    by Added 2,056 Views / 2 Likes

    An Evening with Michael Moore and His Latest Film, Capitalism: A Love Story with Angie Coiro, Radio Host and ModeratorWho are we and why do we behave the way that we do? Writer, director and producer Moore has been trying to answer that question his entir

  • GdiUSA - Money As Debt

    GdiUSA - Money As Debt

    by Added 2,156 Views / 1 Likes

    This presentation explores how money is created and issued. Money used to be backed by Gold and Silver but today\'s money is backed by debt - your promise to pay back a loan and the government\'s promise to back up the currency. Sponsored By: http://www.g

  • Enigma TV - Illuminati III Murdered by The Monarchs

    Enigma TV - Illuminati III Murdered by The Monarchs

    by Added 1,969 Views / 4 Likes


  • Amenstop Productions - Empire Of The City - Ring Of Power Part 2 of 2

    Amenstop Productions - Empire Of The City - Ring Of Power Part 2 of 2

    by Added 2,963 Views / 2 Likes

    City of London + City of Vatican + City of columbia are the 3 independant states within states wich composes the empire of the city. The first is financial control over earth economy, the second is religion control over the earth and the third one is mili

  • Empire Of The City - The Ring Of Power (2008)

    Empire Of The City - The Ring Of Power (2008)

    by Added 3,808 Views / 7 Likes

    Although geographically separate, the city-states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Colombia are one interlocking empire calledEmpire of The City. The flag of Washington’s District of Colombia has three red stars, one for each city-state i

  • Jason Bermas & Alex Jones - Fabled Enemies

    Jason Bermas & Alex Jones - Fabled Enemies

    by Added 2,132 Views / 1 Likes

    Jason Bermas' Fabled Enemies on the intelligence apparatus and its involvement in 9/11.