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  • Deborah Koons & Catherine Butler - The World According to Monsanto

    Deborah Koons & Catherine Butler - The World According to Monsanto

    by Added 2,613 Views / 4 Likes

    A great documentary exposing the evil agricultural nightmare called Monsanto and the story of Roundup and Roundup Ready Soybeans. Featuring, George Bush Sr. ....... And alot of smart people! ENJOY! a 2004 documentary film which makes an in-depth investiga

  • Lina B Moreco - Shots In The Dark

    Lina B Moreco - Shots In The Dark

    by Added 3,284 Views / 2 Likes

    A documentary film by Lina B Moreco, with the National Film Board of Canada : Following the increase in cases of Autism and other immune disorders among some particularly vulnerable people, several recogni

  • Dr. Len Horowitz - In Lies We Trust

    Dr. Len Horowitz - In Lies We Trust

    by Added 2,248 Views / 0 Likes

    This feature length documentary about medical madness, cloaked in bioterrorism preparedness, will awaken the brain dead. It exposes health officials, directed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), for conducting a